The Livengood Endowed Memorial Scholarship
The Livengood Endowed Memorial Scholarship has been established by Morris Livengood in honor of his parents to benefit foreign students and missionary work. This scholarship is awarded to a student who, like the Apostle Paul, seeks daily to be led and filled with the Holy Ghost and has these three priorities: (1) Christian family values, (2) Planet Ecology, and (3) Human dignity.
This scholarship fund is to honor my parents and their struggle for salvation.
My mother, before I was born, prayed, “God, give me a son and I will give him back to you.” When she got her son, she saw to it that he was brought up in the Word of God and followed the Jewish ritual.
My father, Virgil Duard Livengood, loved the Lord. His wit and humor were famous, and his warm smile won many friends. He taught his children by example to always do their best. His counsel to his sons was, “Don’t make the same mistakes I have made.” He did his very best for his family.
My parents sought and found their satisfaction in their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, by working out their own salvation together and individually.